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Can Leopard Geckos See in the Dark?

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Can Leopard Geckos See in the Dark

Leopard geckos are nocturnal reptiles that are commonly kept as pets. One question that many owners have is can leopard geckos see in the dark. This is an important question to answer as it can impact the way you care for your leopard gecko, such as whether they need a night light in their tank. In this article, we will explore the topic of leopard gecko night vision and answer some frequently asked questions.

Understanding leopard gecko night vision can help you provide the best possible care for your pet.

Let’s dive in!

Do leopard geckos have night vision?

Leopard geckos have a specialized structure in their eyes called a tapetum lucidum. This structure is located behind the retina and reflects light back through the retina, increasing the amount of light that reaches the photoreceptor cells. This allows leopard geckos to see in low light conditions, such as at night. The tapetum lucidum also gives leopard geckos’ eyes a distinctive shiny appearance, which is often visible in photographs.

leopard gecko eye closeup

How do leopard geckos see in the dark?

Leopard geckos have a rod-dominant retina, meaning that they have more rods than cones in their eyes. Rods are specialized cells that are sensitive to light and are responsible for detecting motion. This allows leopard geckos to see in low light conditions and to detect movement in the dark.

Human night vision vs. Gecko night vision

Leopard geckos possess an extraordinary ability to see in low light conditions. Their vision in the dark is significantly superior to that of humans, with estimates suggesting that they can see at least 350 times better. Additionally, they possess the ability to distinguish colors even in near pitch-black darkness.

In contrast, human night vision is not as well-developed as that of leopard geckos. Humans have both rods and cones in their retina, but rods are less sensitive to light than those of leopard geckos. This means that humans have a harder time seeing in low light conditions and are not able to detect as much detail as leopard geckos can in the dark. Additionally, humans do not have a tapetum lucidum, which makes it harder for them to see in the dark.

Another difference is that human eyes are adapted to detect color, while leopard gecko’s eyes are not. Human eyes have both rods and cones, the latter being responsible for color vision, leopard geckos only have rods, this means that humans can see colors at night, while leopard geckos can’t.

FeatureLeopard GeckoHuman
Structure that allows to see in low lightTapetum lucidumN/A
Photoreceptor cellsRodsRods and Cones
Color visionLimitedExcellent
Movement detectionExcellentLimited
Night visionExcellentLimited

Does a leopard gecko need a night light in its enclosure?

While having a night light in your leopard gecko’s tank might make it easier for you to keep an eye on their activity at night, it is not actually necessary for the reptile’s well-being. The main purpose of lighting the tank at night is for the convenience of the owner, not for the leopard gecko.

Read our full guide on suitable lamps for leopard geckos.

What type of light should I use for my leopard gecko?

While leopard geckos are able to see well in the dark, it is still important to provide UV lighting in their enclosure during the day for their overall health and well-being. As crepuscular creatures, they do not receive a lot of UV exposure from the sun, but UVB emitting bulbs can help to balance their health and metabolic system.

When choosing lighting for your leopard gecko’s enclosure, it’s essential to keep in mind that plain UV bulbs can be harsh at night. Therefore, don’t forget to turn them off in the evening and keep them off during the night. You can opt for a programmable dimmer that simulates night and day, adjusting the brightness during the day when they are supposed to be sleeping and at night when they are active.

For a more natural approach, you can also provide natural light by pulling the curtains back during the day and turning all lights off at night to match the leopard gecko’s natural rest-active cycle. It’s important to understand that leopard geckos need UV exposure but also need a dark and quiet place to sleep during the day.

Can leopard geckos see their pray in the dark?

Leopard geckos are able to see feeder insects in the dark. Their rod-dominant retina allows them to detect movement and locate prey, even in low light conditions. This is one of the reasons why leopard geckos are nocturnal animals, as they are able to hunt and find food at night when other animals are asleep.

leopard gecko eating crickets


In conclusion, leopard geckos are able to see in the dark thanks to their specialized structure in their eyes called a tapetum lucidum and rod-dominant retina.

They do not need a night light in their tank, and are able to see feeder insects in the dark.

As a pet owner, it is important to provide a dark, quiet place for your leopard gecko to sleep during the day, which mimics their natural habitat

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