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How Long Do Bearded Dragons Live?

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Bearded dragons are one of the most popular reptile pets. They are friendly, docile, and relatively easy to care for—but how long do they live? The average lifespan of a bearded dragon kept as a pet is 8-12 years, but the oldest recorded bearded dragon lived to be 18 years old! Here’s everything you need to know about the lifespan of these amazing creatures.

How Long Do Bearded Dragons Live in the Wild?

Bearded dragons in the wild typically have a shorter lifespan than those kept as pets. This is due to factors such as food scarcity and predators. Bearded dragons live anywhere from five to fourteen years old, but the average lifespan is closer to five to eight years. Natural predators, such as hawks and buzzards, are common birds that prey on bearded dragons. In addition, wild beardies often struggle to find food and will go through droughts.

How Long Do Bearded Dragons Live in Captivity?

A well-kept pet bearded dragon can live for eight to twelve years—sometimes even longer! The key to a long and healthy life for your pet beardie is proper care. This includes providing the correct lighting, heating, humidity, space, nutrition, and supplements. When all of these factors are met, your bearded dragon will thrive!


If you’re thinking of adding a bearded dragon to your family, you can rest assured knowing that they make great pets with long lifespans. By taking proper care of your beardie and providing them with a good home, you can enjoy their company for many years to come.

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