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How to Sex a Leopard Gecko: Male vs Female

Male vs Female Leopard Gecko

Leopard geckos have become increasingly popular as pets in recent years due to their unique personalities and striking appearance. These fascinating creatures are relatively easy to care for and can make excellent companions for the right owner. However, if you’re thinking of bringing a leopard gecko into your home, it’s important to know the sex of your new pet. This information is crucial for proper care and breeding, as male and female leopard geckos have different physical characteristics that can be used to identify their sex.

In this article we’ll look at these differences in more detail so that you can be confident in identifying the sex of your leopard gecko.

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How to tell if your leopard gecko is male or female

There are several ways to identify the sex of a leopard gecko, including differences in size and weight, tail shape, pores and hemipenes, and behavioural differences. Using multiple methods to confirm the sex of your gecko is recommended, as individual geckos may vary in appearance.

Size and weight differences: Male leopard geckos are usually larger and heavier than females, making this an easy method of adult identification.

Differences in tail shape: Male leopard geckos tend to have thicker tails at the base that gradually taper towards the tip, while female tails are generally longer and more slender.

Differences in pores and hemipenes: Male leopard geckos have pores on their undersides that release pheromones, and they have two hemipenes that are visible when they are lifted at the base of the tail. Females do not have either of these features.

Behavioural differences: Males may be more territorial or aggressive, while females tend to be more docile. However, this method of identification may not be accurate for all geckos.

Differences in Size and Weight

An easy way to tell if a leopard gecko is male or female is to look for differences in size and weight. Male leopard geckos are generally larger and heavier than females, making this an easy method of identification for adult geckos.

On average, adult male leopard geckos can be 7-10 inches (18-25 cm) long and weigh between 60-110 grams. In contrast, adult female leopard geckos can reach 6-8 inches (15-20 cm) in length and weigh between 40-80 grams.

GenderLength RangeWeight Range
Male7-10 inches (18-25 cm)60-110 grams
Female6-8 inches (15-20 cm)40-80 grams
Male vs Female Leopard Gecko

However, it’s important to note that this method of identification may not be accurate for young or small geckos, as they may not have reached their full size or weight potential. Also, individual geckos can vary in appearance, so it’s always a good idea to use more than one method to confirm the sex of your pet.

Differences in Tail Shape

One of the easiest ways to tell the sex of a leopard gecko is to look at its tail. Male and female geckos have different tail shapes, which can be quite distinct.

Male leopard geckos tend to have thicker tails at the base that gradually taper towards the tip. This is because male geckos store fat reserves in their tails for use during the breeding season. As a result, their tails tend to be shorter and more robust than those of females.

Differences in Tail Shape Difference in Tails

In contrast, female leopard geckos have thinner tails, which tend to be longer and more slender than males. This is because females need to store fat reserves for egg production, which they carry in their abdomen rather than in their tail.

It’s worth noting that tail shape alone is not always a reliable indicator of sex, especially in young or malnourished geckos. However, it can be a useful starting point when trying to determine the sex of your leopard gecko.

Related content: Tail drop in leopard geckos explained

Differences in Pores and Hemipenes

Male leopard geckos have some unique characteristics that are not present in females, including the presence of pores and hemipenes. These characteristics can be used to accurately identify the sex of a leopard gecko.

Pores are small openings on the underside of the gecko that release pheromones used to communicate with other geckos. In males, these pores are more prominent and usually appear in a V-shape just before the vent (cloaca). Female leopard geckos have pores that are less prominent and usually appear in a straight line.

Hemipenes are paired copulatory organs located near the base of the tail of male leopard geckos. They are not visible when the gecko is at rest, but can be seen when the base of the tail is slightly raised. Females do not have hemipenes.

Image by u/DrBach (Reddit)

It’s important to note that some younger or smaller male leopard geckos may not have fully developed pores or hemipenes, which can make sexing them more difficult. In these cases it’s best to use several methods of identification to ensure accuracy.

Male vs Female Leopard Gecko: Behavioural Differences

In addition to physical characteristics, male and female leopard geckos may exhibit different behaviours that can be used to identify their sex. Although not always reliable, observing their behaviour can provide additional clues to their sex.

Male leopard geckos may be more territorial or aggressive, especially towards other males. They may display dominance behaviours such as head bobbing, tail wagging or biting. Female leopard geckos are often more docile and less territorial.

Please note that not all male leopard geckos will display aggressive behaviour, and not all females will be completely docile. Individual geckos can have different personalities, so it’s important to observe their behaviour over time to get a better understanding of their temperament.

Also, changes in behaviour may indicate changes in health or stress levels. If your leopard gecko exhibits unusual or worrying behaviour, it’s best to consult a reptile vet to ensure its health and well-being.

What we’ve learned

In summary, there are several methods that can be used to identify the sex of a leopard gecko. These include differences in tail shape, size and weight, the presence of pores and hemipenes, and behavioural differences. By using a combination of these methods, you can accurately determine whether your leopard gecko is male or female.

However, if you’re still unsure about the sex of your gecko, it’s always best to consult a reptile vet or experienced breeder. They will be able to help you determine the sex of your gecko and advise you on how to properly care for it based on its sex.

Regardless of their sex, leopard geckos are unique and wonderful pets that can bring joy and companionship to their owners. With proper care and attention, they can live long and healthy lives. So whether you have a male or female leopard gecko, take the time to appreciate their beauty and unique personalities, and enjoy the wonderful companionship they provide.

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